Monday, November 5, 2007


Anyone who knows Fort Collins knows about Horsetooth Resevoir. It is the sustanance which helps keep this city thriving. It helps our lawns grow healthy in the summertime and it lets our butts get clean at anytime. But more than providing a basic life ingredient, it also provides the town of Fort Collins with ample recreational activity. There are cliffs to climb and trails to tredge. You can take your dogs for a walk or have a pleasant picnic with a loved one. Most of all there is one thing that everyone who embarks upon our golden pool can understand, its beauty.

Throughout my tenure in Fort Collins, I have found myself taking in Horsetooth's prestine beauty countless times and it is in this blog post that I encourage you to do the same. And if you already have, well do it again, because it is just that great.

You can get to Horsetooth Resevoir by heading West to the mountains. Its pretty much that simple. Get to Overland Road and take a right just after the football stadium before the drive - in movie theatre on road 42c. Head up the hill and just around the bend is the wonderful resevoir in all its glory and splendor. Bring a camera or just a clear head. It can be a great place to reflect because of the peacefull serene quality it holds which can take some of the anxiety from even the worst of days. Make sure to drive carefully because the turns can be extremely narrow and very hairy. Most importanly, HAVE FUN!

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